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Yellowcake Pedals Lida Machine

Yellowcake Pedals Lida Machine

Regular price $223.00 USD
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Yellowcake Pedals Lida Machine


An analog Resonant Filter, also known as a VCF (Voltage Control Filter) with two independently adjustable LFO's. One that is switchable on/off. Features an expression pedal for the 'Freq.' knob. A CV-IN is also provided for adding any other Voltage Controlled synth modules.


Freq. - Adjusts frequency of the Voltage Controlled Filter.

Res - Adjust Resonance of VCF. Oscillation starts when knob is at 4 o’clock.

Rate - Controls rate of the LFO.

Depth - Controls intensity of the LFO to.

X - Expression pedal in for the Freq. control.

CV-IN - Input for adding in other modulation or synth like modules.

LFO 1 Switch - 2-way toggle that switches triangle LFO rate from Slow to Fast .

LFO 2 Switch - 3-way waveform toggle switch. Ramp, Triangle, and Sawtooth

Clean - Clean signal mix.

Level - Total output volume.

Power - 9 - 12v 2.1mm negative center adapter.



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